Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunflowers and figs

18 Agosto
Happy wedding to my niece Lauren who tied the know with Joe yesterday!
I love sunflowers because they are so photogenic, whether young or old. Here are some of ours with yellow spiders camouflaged inside a couple of them.
Our figs (those pictured are not yet mature) are ripening creating the challenge of what to do with those not eaten for breakfast by our guests. Yesterday, I made 2 honey and fig cakes. If I can find some oats, I will use the brown sugar Charlotte brought me and make fig cookies.
We remain full here at Nascondiglio di Bacco, now with 100% Italians, who are better equipped to handle the heat wave we have here right now.
Today, I went to the immigration office to get my fingerprints rechecked in case I changed them since last year and in a month, my new permit of stay will be ready.
Tonight, I am off to nearby Castignano for the medieval festival called the templaria. Pictures hopefully to follow. This month and July are full of various festivals for food, history, crafts, markets, etc.

1 comment:

Juanita said...

My son has developed a major love of figs since he tried one on our most recent vacation. He has mentioned it several times since, making me wish I had tried one too. I'm ashamed to say he was a more adventerous diner than I was, up to and including escargot.