12 agosto
Today, I drove the tractor of our neighbor for the 1st time and treated our pecorino grapevines with a dose of sulfur and copper to control the mold which has been a problem this year. I didn't kill anything or anyone!
I heard from my old partner Joe's nurse that he was moving one side well enough to write his name which is a huge step and a blessing. Kindly keep him and his family in your prayers for recovery after his stroke.
Back to the vines; they are looking relatively healthy and we are still putting in the iron rods to train them to grow up and not out. In September the workers will put in the rest of our poles and cables and we will be done for the year.
The old grapevines up the hill are changing color and looking sad just like last year, but I tried our red wine again last night and it is again drinkable after returning to the stainless steel tank for several months.
The pool is a big hit, and now and then our guests will stay there all day long. We are still trying to sell another 998 lunches to pay for the pool.
With my birthday looming, I have some friends coming in from afar to celebrate with me. Fabio and Ola and Giorgio and Gaia are arriving from London and Caserta. We are planning a tasting of all things buffalo tomorrow night which will include mozzarella freshly made today, sausage and fresh meats, etc. We have 30 people signed up for the tasting and at midnight we will pop open the prosecco to celebrate another of my years "misspent".
The pix are of a recent sunset and another of Bacco trailside. I need to choose a mountain for my birthday climb now
Have a great week!
Enjoy the bufflo tasting with dear friends on your b-day!
The pool looks so inviting. Our neighbor is in the pool business and is going to help us with all the "pool guys" to get ours built. I will make sure he doesn't recommend the guys that did yours!
Enjoy your special day tasting bufflao with good friends and Bacco.
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