Sunday, August 29, 2010

Another job finished, winery construction update

29 agosto

Yesterday, we finished the job of cutting away grape clusters from the last rows of Montepulciano.  Raffaele was in such an excited state on the last row he was cutting away the good with the bad, but certainly there are fewer than before.  By my calculations, that little exercise took over 250 hours to complete and if we are lucky, we can rest a bit and just analyze the grapes every few days to see when they will be ripe enough to harvest.  The last analysis hints at 2 weeks from now for the earliest ripeners.
There is a nice fellow working on Sunday to put in the refrigeration circuit tubes and we are now proud owners of 5 tanks with 6 to follow tomorrow, maybe.

We are still full here at the b and b,  tonight: bbq with some americans who live in Rome, a bit of veal, bruschetta and misc,  lots of prosecco and our stomped wine.

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