24 Sept.
Here is the update on the fantastic matrimonio of Teresa and Michele, my 2 friends from the master program. Raffaele and I left Nascondiglio di Bacco in Jean-Felice's hands and he dogsitted Bacco while we drove various autostradas for 6 hours, arriving in Genova at 1430. The wedding started at 1600, so we hustled and then spent a bit of time with our old buddies from school as we walked to the cute little church of St. Matteo. The wedding was beautiful as was Teresa. Michele was figo (cool) instead of beautiful. Fabio, Michele's friend and a priest from Milano performed the ceremony and then we all were off to a Villa above the old city for the reception. Raffaele and I carried 9 kg of our wine from 2007 up the winding streets and let everyone try them out. The red was, as always merely drinkable and continues to get a bit better, while the passito was a big hit. Better yet for me was the champagne, as I definitely have a weakness for the real stuff, and tire of prosecco all the time. The reception, being on the coast of Liguria was catered with an abundance of wonderful seafood and the fresh sushi of salmon, swordfish and tuna was incredible. The cured meats from Spigerol,i with the best culatello in the world were also present (for a short while). He is the guy who gave us the black pig back in April 2007 which I hastily took back before he/she reached 300 kg!
With all the lubrication available, dancing later was no problem, even for the white guys, and then, when it was all over, we all stumbled back to the hotel, somewhere in the vicinity of 3 in the morning.
Allison and Angela from our class hitched a ride with us and are staying at N di Bacco for the week and as you see in the posts above were great help with the harvest and grape stomping. The weekend was great for me as we don't get much excitement in these parts and this was a real hoot getting to relive a bit, our year together. All but 2 of the students were there and we were all quite happy for the new bride and groom and their little one, Matilda who you see in the 1st photo. Other photos show the throwing of the rice, the villa, the presentation of the gift to the newlyweds from their fellow students and the dancing near the end of the night.
Sure glad I took my antiinflammatories beforehand!
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