8 giu.
Buon weekend everyone.
I have had a wonderful time visiting with friends from KC here at Nascondiglio di Bacco! Tom and Wanda came in Wed. night and just left yesterday for San Remo and we explored the local sites including Offida, Le Caniette (one of my favorite local wineries), Ascoli Piceno and a bit of the seacoast as well. Dan came in night before last after surviving a wedding in Florence and trying to keep up with a bunch of late 20 somethings. I can relate after the master's program. He has now caught up on his rest and will head back to Florence today and then back to Milan to fly home. We all went to a great seafood restaurant in Grottammare called Don Diego where the fish is all extremely fresh and wonderfully prepared. The owner, who I have met through his mother, showed us all around his little property on the beach which also rents lounge chairs and umbrellas. He has all sorts of herbs and flowers which he uses in his cooking to great effect.
Giorgio, our fellow UNISG grad also came in day before last to attend the Juvecaserta-Jesi basketball game. It is part of the finals to advance into the Italian major leagues of Series A and unfortunately, Caserta lost, but lead the series 2-1 and need to win one more. The next game is tonight.
After Gio and Dan leave we have a sack of work to do. Finish cleaning practically all the rooms, clean the front patio of all the gravel which is its carpet right now as tomorrow they will pour cement as a base for the ceramic tile. Then, of course, there is always the hoeing which is constantly available.
I will feel better when i finish the next 6.5 rows of montepulciano, then i can rest a few days before tackling the pecorino.
The pictures are weak today, but include a faint rainbow to our east and southeast from a couple of days ago at dusk, the continuing pool saga, the patio before (after to follow in a week or so) and "cheap toys are the best, dad!"
Thanks for reading and feel free to leave comments whenever. I had to put a little control on there as I was getting comment spam!
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