23 Giugno
Another reservation lost today because our geniuses building the pool are 2 months late. It is beyond frustrating. At present, we just smoulder and don't say anything and hope for the best.
I took a litltle trip to a wedding ceremony in Umbria this weekend and then visited a couple of wineries. For those in need of a good catering company in Italy check out Cuoco Inamorato. Wow. They made the colloseum out of Grana Padano cheese. Here ia a pic.
Tomorrow, I am heading up to our enologist to talk about the equipment we will need for the winery as the architects are in need of that info to plan the facility.
It is now summer here, whew, hot and almost impossible to work in the vineyard during normal hours, so today I worked after 6 PM. After 3 rows of extirpating our wonderful erba medica perennial, I was ready for another job.
Here are some pix of the pool in its present state. Our ever optimistic engineer thinks we need 3 more days to finish it. I think he is a dreamer.
Hope springs eternal. That's one of our sunflowers in bloom, happy with this sunny, hot weather! Very similar to the one in the previous post, a different angle, forse.
Stay tuned
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