Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bacco in swimming classes, Roses in Roma

13 maggio
i am back in the states for a few days looking forward to healing my hands which have been bothering me a lot after 5 weeks straight of hoeing the vineyard. My fingers today actually felt better when I woke up today at 0430 (jet lag) than they have in a week.
I will be off to snowy Estes Park later in the day and just spend some quiet time enjoying the peace and quiet of the mountains and reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which I picked up for a bit of light reading in Heathrow.
The 1st pictures show Bacco in his swimming lesson, his 1st time to actually paddle a bit. He is in big trouble right now as his pack leader has been too busy tending the field to exercise and train him, so he has been ranging ever farther afield to play with the neighborhood dogs and is not coming when called. That will be a priority when I return-retraining the dog!
In Rome right now, the community rose garden is in full bloom up from the Circo Massimo metro stop and I will put a few of those pix on the blog for you. I found 3 favorites which I will try and look for: New Imagine, Jules Verne and Jubilee of the Prince of Monaco.
Have a great week everyone!
PS the roses I liked are not the ones in the pictures

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